Thursday, April 22, 2010

Comparisons between trades

: Ok, so I started out with the commodity trade (The Corn Flake Trade) and it was very informative on a unique way to trade commodities that I'd only heard about but didn't really understand, so I appreciated the info, gave me a ton of links to check out and only cost me $37.00 figured that was a good price for a downloaded ebook. Seemed an easy read to me at 50 pages, well actually only about 45 pages, cause the other stuff was links and meanings to highly used words in the commodity market, which most of them I'd already known, but then I dig reading about financial stuff.

Then I compared this read to Forex trading...from one of the better sites I could find, and Rockwell Commodity trading.

FOREX TRADING: Great site, ton of information on Forex Trading, and the initial price was really good ($4.95), but the monthly price seemed a bit steep ($99.00 mo.), I really wanted to give it a shot for their 3 day trial period, but the $99.00 month scared me off.

ROCKWELL TRADING: Awesome site! And a FREE 296 page ebook on Day Trading so that was real cool. However, at $197 for the 50 course deal I was a little shocked at the price, however, I have to say that the information is extremely good, and I can see implementing it in my investment structure to make money.

I made a comparison page here based on these sets of criteria: First was price rated at 1-5 (1 being best), second was information and sales pitch, again 1 being best, third was my feeling about the likely hood of me making money with this product verses the price spent, 1 being the best. So, how did I rate these products?

goes to Corn Flake Trade for price for information.
rated at I put 2 for price, since Rockwell did offer a FREE ebook on day trading, just I'm not that interested in Day Trading so I'd rank Rockwell at 4 on pricing and Forex Trading at 3, since the Forex Trading was less initially and if after 30 days I didn't like my results I'd simply cancel and only be into it $99.00, where as if I don't like Rockwell it would be harder to cancel it and get my $197.00 back, although Rockwell says 60 day 100% money back. I'm sure I could get it, but I hate the hassel with the credit card company and trying to get a hold of someone at their Company, bla, bla, bla LOL
goes to Rockwell cause their video sales pitch definitely stood out from the rest, I'd rank Rockwell at 1 in this area, Forex at 2 and CFT at 3 since the sales information is minimal but to the point.
#3 After reading the CFT and Rockwell and about Forex I would have to say that Rockwell gets my vote as 1 in this area, CFT at 2 and Forex coming in at 3. Cause I'm very sure I can make money with Rockwell and CFT, but I'm not so sure at Forex.

Ok, hope this helps you all! C'ya at the meeting!

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